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Edip Cansever - Mendilimde Kan Sesleri Лирицс транслатион то енглисх


Sounds of Blood in my Handkerchief

You can reach everywhere
You're never too late for anything
Forgive me, my child
Ahmet Abi, you forgive me too
If I'm here, with my head down
It's not because I feel that way
Not at all
Oh, my beautiful Ahmet Abi
People resemble the place they live
They resemble its water, its soil
They resemble the fish swimming in its water
The flower pushing through its soil
They resemble the hazy slopes of its mountains and hills
The white plains of Konya
The red plains of Antep
They resemble its sky, for its tears are blue
They resemble the sea, for its gaze is wavy
They resemble its houses, streets, and corners
So much so
And its courtyards
(His heart is squeezed with a well ring)
And its words
(Maybe a transaction of a pocket mirror)
And it resembles, one day someone asking for an address
Asking, asking with a sorrowful look
Like a glass cutter's glass, a carpenter's plane
Such a cigarette lighting, someone opening a soda
Their minibuses, their shanties
Their longing, their lies
It's memory is unemployment
It's pain is consciousness
It's knife, it's tears drying
You can't smile, can you, to smile
Is a smile if a nation smiles
How much we resemble Turkey, Ahmet Abi.
You used to hold a beautiful glass
Your elbow resting on a stool
-- Once upon a time, it rested on the sky, I used to say --
Words and pictures on the cigarette pack
Pictures: prisons
Pictures: longing
Pictures: fromlongago
And an eyebrow raised up
Your love is in haste
Your friendship quick
I look now
That glass looks like a curse in your hand.
And what is time, Ahmet Abi?
We used to
Travel to all the stations
Back then, the stations smelled like Malatya
Like Nazilli
And the Edirne Post got soaked in rain
Under the Istanbul rain, thin as a hair
You'd fall in love like a brunette woman
The woman's skin is like ironed cotton sheets
Her long neck
Her eyelashes
And for you, Ahmet Abi
Tomatoes seemed to be cut from a distance
She'd set your dinner table
She'd put her hand to your heart like it was water
If you ended up in prison, she'd bring your cigarettes
She'd give birth to children
And she'd work on those children's hands would fix the world, like lace
Those children would grow up
Those children would grow up
Those children...
Don't ignore it, Ahmet Abi
Poke the hope
Calm down despair
What I'm saying is
Trains used to look like something that'd disappear
But now they're so useful
We're almost living without dreams
Children, women, men
Trains packed
Like the trains heading to the frontier
Workers going to Germany
Some passengers, some waiting for their loved ones
Suitcases in their hands, mesh bags
Colognes, water bottles, packages
They're all
Like exiled trees growing in the wrong places
Oh, my beautiful Ahmet Abi
See, now
Stations look like scattered bazaars
And the homeland looks like scattered bazaars
I don't even feel like being sad
Even if it does
Not for long
Sadness comes and goes like a jazz song
That quick
That short
That's it.
Ahmet Abi, my dear, why does a handkerchief bleed
It's not a tooth, not a nail, why does a handkerchief bleed
Sounds of blood in my handkerchief.


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Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Dolazim iz doline
Gde, kad ste mladi gospodine,
Odgajaju te da radiš k'o što tvoj ćale radio je
Moja Mara i ja u srednjoj školi smo se sreli
Kad sedamnaest bilo joj je, bato beli
Odvezli bi smo se iz ove doline tamo gde poljane su zelene

Do reke bi se spustili
I u nju zaronili
E, dole do reke bi se vozili

Tad je moja Mara zakevila
I to je brajko moj sve što ona je napisala
A za moj devetnaesti rođendan dobio sam, ništa manje
Neg' sindikalnu kartu i sako za venčanje
Došli smo do sudnice A sudija je opravio da stvar legne
Brez smešaka na dan venčanja, brez, šetnje kroz zvanice
Brez cveća, brez venčanice

To veče smo se do reke spustili
I u reku smo uronili
O da, do reke smo se vozali

Pos'o sam dobio, rint'o na građevini u Jonstaun Kompaniji
Al' u zadnje vreme nije došlo posla previše na račun ekonomije
I sad, sve do čeg' mi je stalo
Pa Braćane, niz vetar je nestalo
Ja se pravim k'o da me je sećanje izdalo
A Mara se pravi k'o da joj nije stalo

Ipak sećam nas se kako se vozimo u bratovim kolima
Njenog tela preplanulog, vlažnog kod veštačkog jezera
Noćom sam ležao budan kraj tih obala
I privuk'o je bliže, tek da čujem svaki dah što ga ona uzima
Sad se vraćadu sva ta sečanja
Da me progone poput prokletstva
Dal' laž su snovi što se ne ostvare
Il' nešto još gore
To me dole na reku šalje I
ako znam da ona presušila je
To me večeras na reku baca
Dole na reci
Ja i moja maca
E, vozamo se do reke

Iskrenost (poštenje)

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Ako za nežnošću tragaš
Nije teško da na nju nabasaš
Mož' da imaš lubavi kolko ti treba da bi živio
Al' ako bi za istinitošću tragao
Mog'o bi furtom slep biti
Kanda je vek teško davati

Iskrenost je usamljena, znaš
Svi neiskeni su, al' baš
Za poštenje možeš čuti jedva
A to mi uglavnom od tebe treba

Uvek mogu da nekog naći
Da saoseća što će reči
Ako srce na dlanu dajem
Al' neko lice lepo mi ne treba
Da me lažima lepim zasipa
Neko kome mogu da verujem mi treba

Iskrenost je usamljena, znaš
Svi neiskeni su, al' baš
Za poštenje možeš čuti jedva
A to mi uglavnom od tebe treba

Švalerku mogu naći
Pajtaša pronaći
Sigurnost mogu imati ja
Sve do kraja gorkoga
Svako mož' da me uteši
Obećanjima nanovo
Znadem to, znadem to

Kad uđem duboko u sebe
Nemoj da se brinete
Dok me nema niš' neću iskati
Al' kad poželim iskrenosti
Kaži mi mi di se drugo mogu okrenuti
Jer samo na tebe se mogu osloniti

Iskrenost je usamljena, znaš
Svi neiskeni su, al' baš
Za poštenje možeš čuti jedva
A to mi uglavnom od tebe treba

Don't You Want Me

You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar
When I met you
I picked you out, I shook you up, and turned you around
Turned you into someone new
Now five years later on you've got the world at your feet
Success has been so easy for you
But don't forget it's me who put you where you are now
And I can put you back down too

Don't, don't you want me?
You know I can't believe it when I hear that you won't see me
Don't, don't you want me?
You know I don't believe you when you say that you don't need me
It's much too late to find
You think you've changed your mind
You'd better change it back or we will both be sorry

Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh
Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh

I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar
That much is true
But even then I knew I'd find a much better place
Either with or without you
The five years we have had have been such good times
I still love you
But now I think it's time I lived my life on my own
I guess it's just what I must do

Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh
Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh

Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh
Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh

Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh
Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh

Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh
Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh

Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh
Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh

Gradovi u Magli

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Voda je tekla,
Djeca su trčala,
Ti si kasnio...

Ispod planine ,
Zlatna fontana,
Gdje si ti molio na Lares svetilištu?

Ali, oh, - oh tvoj grad leži u magli , moj prijatelju
Oh,- oh tvoj grad leži u magli, moj prijatelju

Uhvatili smo te kako se kriješ
Uhvatili smo te kako lažeš
Gušio si se u blatu i pjesku

Tvoje bivše slave
I sve priče
Otete i oprane sa željnim rukama

Ali, oh ,oh tvoj grad leži u magli, moj prijatelju
Oh, oh, tvoj grad leži na magli... Moj prijatelju
Tvoj grad leži u magli

Voda je tekla,
Djeca su trčala,
Mi smo te našli kako se kriješ
Mi smo te uhvatili kako lažeš
Tvoj grad leži u magli, moj prijatelju
Oh, oh, tvoj grad leži u magli... Moj prijatelju

Vruće je i gori u tvojoj nozdrvi
Sluze ti usta,
Tvoja rastopljena tijela,
Pokrivač od pepela
Pronađen u mukama, i

Vou, oh, - Oh, oh, tvoj grad leži na magli... Moj prijatelju
Tvoj grad leži u magli
Oh, oh, tvoj grad leži na magli... Moj prijatelju
Tvoj grad leži u magli
Oh, oh, tvoj grad leži na magli... Moj prijatelju
Tvoj grad leži u magli
Oh, oh, tvoj grad leži na magli... Moj prijatelju
Tvoj grad leži u magli